Jim Anderson's Back Pages
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Jim Anderson Former Professor & Coordinator
Web Technologies (now defunct) and Networking Technology
janderson4 at gmail dot com (obsfuscated to cut down on the spam)
Retired as of 6/30/2008 5:00 PM
Current and Past Activities

Feb. 2018 - July 2019: Lots of walks with Sophie. Reading many different books. Contemplating being over 70 ... so many friends have departed this life in the last year. Still do an occasional computer consultation.
Nov. 2017 - Jan. 2018: Collected all my computer presentations (blogs) together and updated the main page with link to same. Did long overdue updates to a number of pages.
2016-17: Adopted Sophie October 20, 2016 who was about a year old stray. It only took 10 seconds gazing into her eyes and I was smitten. Brought her home November 3, 2016. She is a very good dog and has only one unfortunate trait - she wants to (fanatically) chase any small animal with a tail that will run from her.
2016: Bella passed out of this life October 10, 2016. She died quitely in her sleep and had a good day. As with Zoey I am missing her terribly, but I am so thankful for every day of her 14 years.
2016: Zoey passed out of this life March 31st. But she will never pass out of my heart. Her love and courage will always be with me. Bella and I are missing her terribly, but I am so thankful for every day of her 12 years.
2015: Walked Bella & Zoey 2 to 4 miles a day (for the 1st 6 months, then 1 to 2 for the last 6) - the pups are slowing down. Everything else ditto of 2014.
2014: Walked Bella & Zoey 2 to 4 miles a day (want to average at least 60 miles per month) - the sweet pups are getting old. Pretty much ditto of 2013.
2013: Walked Bella & Zoey 3 to 6 miles a day. Pretty much ditto of 2012.
2012: Walked Bella & Zoey 3 to 6 miles a day. A lot of time spent helping older friends and the inevitable computer consulting.
2011: Walked Bella & Zoey 3 to 6 miles a day (except when nursing Zoey back to normal after a broken leg in April), read (sort-of) 30+ books in a most haphazard manner. Still messed about with computers, and recently ereaders and tablets - see my reviews/guides on the Kindle and HP Touchpad, as well as Windows 8.
Spring 2005: Developed the 2005 SCC Grad Survey for SCC Planning & Research Office
Spring 2004: Developed the 2004 SCC Student Survey and 2004 SCC Faculty/Staff Survey for SCC Planning & Research Office
Spring 2003: Developed the Survey and Evaluation Instrument for the NCCCS colleges
Fall 1999 - Spring 2005: Developed and enhanced the Distance Learning and Classroom Online Evaluation Instrument for SCC - first developed in Perl (Fall 99 - Spring 01) and then in ColdFusion (Spring 01 - Spring 2005)
Fall 2001: Developed the SACS Document Database for SCC SACS Self-Study
Fall 1999: Initiated the Internet Technologies degree and certificate
Spring 1999: Initiated the Cisco Networking Academy certificate
Spring 1998: Taught PHI 215 Philosophical Issues
1997: Developed/taught first Distance Learning courses at SCC
1996-97: Created the oringinal SCC and Internet Resources sites
1996-97: Re-built CEAT program under the semester system as Computer Engineering Tech. (CET)
1984-1996: Coordinator Computer Engineering Applications Tech. (CEAT)
1983: Named Sibley Professor for "Professional Achievement and Noteworthy Service"
1982-2008: Taught every major PC operating system, Cisco networking, PC upgrade/repair, many versions of BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Assembly Language (6502 & 8088), XBase, Access, and MySQL database programming, many office applications, Web design & graphics, Internet protocols, Internet security, Internet programming (HTML, Javascript, Perl, ColdFusion, PHP).
1979-82: SCC Math Department
1978-79: SCC Continuing Education
1979: MA, Philosophy, Univ. of Florida Thesis: "The Meaning of Emptiness in Thomas Merton's Contemplative Thought." Listed at Theses and Dissertations about Thomas Merton and available for consultation at the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University. I hope to have it on line before long as part of my new web site on the philosophy of contemplation. It is presently only in typed manuscript - done just before the advent of personal computers! Here is its WorldCat.org Listing.
1971: BA, Philosophy, Univ. of South Alabama, Minors: Math, History
Here is my official (very dated) resume as Word and PDF files. | Jim Anderson's Brief Biography
Jim spent practically all of his adult life in post-secondary education. His last position was that of Professor and Coordinator of the Web Technologies and Networking Technology at Sandhills Community College.
From 1984 until 2001 he taught and coordinated the Computer Engineering Technology A.A.S. curriculum. Since 1982, he has taught courses in almost every area of PC computer technology – including many programming languages, desktop applications, networking, PC hardware, and operating systems. He was instrumental in the creation of the Internet Technologies A.A.S. (now Web Technologies) curriculum for the state of North Carolina. He initiated the popular Network Administration & Support (now Networking Technology) A.A.S. degree program in the fall of 1999 and the Cisco Networking certificate at Sandhills Community College in the spring of 1999. He set up and administered SCC's Distance Learning Server (1999-2005). In 1997 he began the first Distance Learning courses at SCC. In 1996-97, he created and maintained the Sandhills Community College web site (sandhills.edu) until September 2005. During the same period he created and continues to maintain the Internet Resources (scc.pinehurst.net) web site, a documented link resource for many of the best sites on the Internet. In 1983 he was named Sibley Professor for "Professional Achievement and Noteworthy Service." From 1979 till 1982 he taught in the SCC Math Department. On coming to SCC in 1978 he taught in SCC Continuing Education department.
In addition to teaching and administrative duties, since 1982 he provided consulting services in the areas of PC applications, database programming, PC hardware and networking services. Upon retirement he spends his days walking his dog and investigating the myteries of this and other worlds and occasionally helping local residents with computer problems. He also occasionally delivered talks to the Computer Club of the Sandhills (Whispering Pines), but as of 2019, sadly, disbanded. See my blogs page for outlines of most of those presentations.
Jim earned a M.A. in Philosophy, with a minor in Religion, in 1979 from the Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. He received a B.A. in Philosophy, with minors in Mathematics and History, in 1971 from the Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama.
His major non-computer interests are the history of ideas (inclusive of philosophy, theology, psychology, science, etc.), mystical theology, poetry, mystery and other literature, the history of physics since Maxwell, history in general and WWII in particular. See Books Page for some detail. He was the devoted companion to two unique alien beings (sometimes inappropriately referred to as "dogs"), from which he learned more in their thirteen years together than it is possible to measure. He now has Sophie, who is special in her own way and she carries on the tradition of educating him in his proper humanity.

Quotes. |

Now we must honour
the guardian of heaven,
the might of the architect,
and his purpose,
the work of the father of glory
as he, the eternal lord, established
the beginning of wonders.
He, the holy creator,
first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men.
Then the guardian of mankind
the eternal lord,
the Lord almighty
afterwards appointed
the middle earth,
the lands, for men.
- Caedmon (ca 600-680 AD)
The earliest English poet whose name is known. He was an Anglo-Saxon who cared for the animals at the double monastery of Streonæshalch (Whitby Abbey).
The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the mourning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet’s wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
- "What you do is of little significance. But it is very important that you do it."
- "No problem is so big or so complicated that it can't be run away from!"
- "Loss is underestimated in America. ... I don't think you learn anything from winning. It just feels good, it feels great. You jump around. Wonderful, great feeling. But loss you think about. Loss makes you change the way you do things. Loss makes you consider how to do things differently."
- Pat Conroy
- "The mark of the half-educated man is his assumption that his outward successes and failures are absolute and real."
- "Not every thought that enters our heads is to be accorded equal respect!"
- Jim Anderson
- "My puppy's enthusiasm at being with me in the morning, or any other time...ah, is this not happiness?"
- Jim Anderson
- "Life is the shape it is for a purpose. When you see how things really are, all of the hurt and waste fall away. What is left is the beauty."
- "Who knows for what we live, struggle and die?... Wise men write many books, in words too hard to understand. But this, the purpose of our lives, the end of all our struggle, is beyond all human wisdom."